Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tips from Angie

Angies List founder, Angie Hicks, offered some tips recently on an ABC station on hiring a contractor to do work on your home. According to polls taken by Angie’s List members, homeowners are spending more on home improvement than in recent years.

To help with the cost of the job she suggests getting several estimates and negotiating with the contractors to see who can offer the best pri

Image result for angie's liste. Of course, it’s not all about the price, the quality of the work is just as important. To find someone who will do a good job, Angie recommends using a contracto
cr you found on a referral, whether through friends or family or via a service like Angies List.

Double check that the contractor is licensed and insured and ask for references of other work they’ve done. Before you pay any money or have them start on a job get a contract with all of the work spelled out
. Another good reason to research a contractor is that you don’t want to have them start on a project and then have them go out of business on you part way through.
Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life